
The first impression of a work of art
is its otherness from reality.
 -Susanne Langer

Art is a method of levitation,
in order to separate one's self
from enslavement by the earth.
-Anais Nin

The only time a human being is free
is when he or she makes a work of art.
-Friedrich von Schiller

There is no progress in art,
any more than there is progress in making love.
There are simply different ways of doing it.
-Man Ray

If the artist's will is not strong
he will see all kinds of inessential things.
-Robert Henri

The price we pay when we pursue any art or calling,
is an intimate knowledge of its ugly side.
-James Baldwin

That which is not worth contemplating in life
is not worth recreating in art.
-Ayn Rand

Art is the sex of the imagination.
-George Jean Nathan

Art can excite, titillate, please, entertain, and sometimes shock;
but its ultimate function is to ennoble.
-Marya Mannes

To show his work is vital for the artist,
the sine qua non of his existence.
-Edouard Manet

Don't worry about making art, just get it done.
Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad.
Whether they love it or hate it.
While they are deciding, make more art.
-Andy Warhol

The progress of an artist
is a continual self-sacrifice,
a continual extinction of personality.
-T. S. Eliot

The Artist is no other than he who unlearns what he has learned, 
in order to know himself.
-E. E. Cummings

"To become an Artist" means nothing:
whereas to become alive, or one's self,
means everything.
-E. E. Cummings

Art is the final cunning of the human soul
which would rather do anything than face the gods.
-Iris Murdoch

The artist who becomes thoroughly aware
consequently ceases to be one.
-Henry Miller

Don't you know that every perfect life
would mean the end of art?
-Robert Musil